Friday, April 25, 2014

Experimental deer

This week is a great week for KOELSE-sideprojects. In my last post I was proud to announce the rare Havn Vahanussi Solo-gig in Jättömää, but that is not all. On this saturday only you have a very special opportunity to see the Experimental deer (Kokeellinen peura). 

Unfortunately I am not allowed to reveal more information about this particular project, exept that it will be part of Là-Bas Money and power festival and take place in Omenapuutalo on saturday sometime after 19.00. 

Event is free.

Other artists at omenapuutalo:  Ilmari Säävälä, Liina Kuittinen, Visuaalisen Etiikan Messiaaninen Tutkimuskeskus, Nussivat pääskyset, Melting Hearts

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