LÀ-BAS will have still one event this year, Aprox sounds will play some disco music and Pleasures and days will play some "final music for final people". And there will be some performance art as well and a rightwingcircus.
Tapahtumaan on vapaa sisäänpääsy, koska ajattelu ei tapahdu aivoissa vaan olemisessa:
19.00 - SELECTRICS - Esineiden ja ilman ääni johdattaa olennaiseen.
19.45 - RENE KITA - esteettisen tanssitaiteen tuomio, ruumillisten valtasuhteiden todistus, niiden välisen suhteen vaikutus.
20.15 - NO XIVIC - Mielenterveyden vastainen terrori räjäyttää auki pakotien tekniikan paratiisista.
21.00 - PANU TYHTILÄ - Sodan mahdollistaman sodanvastaisen kulttuurin vastainen sota voitetaan antamalla sen edustajillelahjoja, joihin on mahdotonta vastata.
21.30 - APROX SOUNDS - Mitä tämänvuotisten uniemme tulkinta ei voiläpivalaista eikä nähdä, muuttaa kohtaloksi unennäkijän kohtalononomainen ääni ja teko.
22.15 - LAURI LUHTA JA VIHOLLISET - Taiteen ja anti-taiteen riettaissa häissä vietetään avantgarden hautajaisia. Taiteilijat ovat paikalla.
22.45 - OIKEISTOSIRKUS - Poliittisen idealismin pronssiin valetut messiaat on aika korvata pahvisilla epäjumalankuvilla.
23.00 - PLEASURES AND DAYS - lopullinen konsertti lopullisille ihmisille: varoitus, viesti ja voitto.
23.45 - Päättävä ajatus.
Blog of association of experimental electronics, experimental electronics, circuitbending, artificial stupidity and all things that might intrest you.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Kunt live
Kunt played yestarday at Kirja, great show. A bit more disco and less noise, reminds me of my favourite discoband Lolita storm.
They will do couple of gigs in Finland, Today in Lahti at Taidepanimo, and 28.11 Tampere at Telakka. So check them out.
More pictures
I will be adding more when I have the time.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Recently Harri found a flea market that sells elcasets and today i went to the same place and got some elcasets also. The Man said he has got some more of those and he will dig his storage and find them for us. Great, but now we are facing the problem we don't have a elcaset deck. Luckily all the remaining elcasets and 2000 decks where dumped to Finland in late 1979 - so there should be some el-decks around. That would mean that our new studio in vallila will have the elcaset high fidelity recording possibilities.
Size comparison of Elcaset with standard audio cassette

some links to elcaset:
Elcaset in wikipedia
the end of the Elcaset, and the new beginning in Finland
deck pictures
Size comparison of Elcaset with standard audio cassette
some links to elcaset:
Elcaset in wikipedia
the end of the Elcaset, and the new beginning in Finland
deck pictures
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Some live sound on thursday
Nyt on taas tiedossa sellaista menoa notta oksat pois!
I just got an E-mail advertisement of this event in Kirja on thursday. Twisted Krister is good, I never heard about KUNT, but "nosie-death-rock molotov coctail" sounds good.
And it is a girlband, you dont see that very often in the noise-scene, do you?
So if you are in Helsinki on hursday, check this:
TO 23.11. klo 21-01 (siis ylihuomenna!)
KUNT (Australia) www.kuntnoise.com
"Kahden hentoisen naisen sydämeesi tähtäävä noise-death-rock molotovin
TWISTED KRISTER (Suomi) www.myspace.com/twistedkrister
"Aikaa ja paikkaa muokkaava auditiivinen musta aukko"
ANTOINE VERHAVERBEKE (Ranska) www.myspace.com/verhaverbekewiderberg ja
IBRAHIM TERZIC (Bosnia) www.myspace.com/ibrahimterzic
"Mannermaista tyylitajua ja herkkää meteliä"
Ravintola KIRJA, Kirjatyöntekijänkatu 10, Kruununhaka
Liput 5 EUR
KUNT Timo Kaukolammen haastateltavana
huomenna keskiviikkona Radio Helsingin MUSAREKASSA
klo 21-23. Suunnitelmissa myös radiolive!
I just got an E-mail advertisement of this event in Kirja on thursday. Twisted Krister is good, I never heard about KUNT, but "nosie-death-rock molotov coctail" sounds good.
And it is a girlband, you dont see that very often in the noise-scene, do you?
So if you are in Helsinki on hursday, check this:
TO 23.11. klo 21-01 (siis ylihuomenna!)
KUNT (Australia) www.kuntnoise.com
"Kahden hentoisen naisen sydämeesi tähtäävä noise-death-rock molotovin
TWISTED KRISTER (Suomi) www.myspace.com/twistedkrister
"Aikaa ja paikkaa muokkaava auditiivinen musta aukko"
ANTOINE VERHAVERBEKE (Ranska) www.myspace.com/verhaverbekewiderberg ja
IBRAHIM TERZIC (Bosnia) www.myspace.com/ibrahimterzic
"Mannermaista tyylitajua ja herkkää meteliä"
Ravintola KIRJA, Kirjatyöntekijänkatu 10, Kruununhaka
Liput 5 EUR
KUNT Timo Kaukolammen haastateltavana
huomenna keskiviikkona Radio Helsingin MUSAREKASSA
klo 21-23. Suunnitelmissa myös radiolive!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Reductronic, take electric shocks whit your friends. It's fun
Take a look on this reductronic, it looks almost the same as Harri's Slendertone but, instead of producing sound it gives the users electric shocks in the rhythm of the music.
"reductronic is a old system to exercise the muscles of the human body by the use of electricity , the system was hacked to interfere the nerve system and establish sinestesia with the auditive system. The electricity current circulate trough the body at the rhythm of sound"
Harri's Slendertone:

more of Slendertone
"reductronic is a old system to exercise the muscles of the human body by the use of electricity , the system was hacked to interfere the nerve system and establish sinestesia with the auditive system. The electricity current circulate trough the body at the rhythm of sound"
Harri's Slendertone:
more of Slendertone
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Hungarian karaokesuitcase
Our first experimental electronics sollution for theater is ready, the hungarian karaokesuitcase. It will be used by Juha Häkkänen in his Hungarian Karaoke-show. First show will be in december in Lahti.
Picture is from the rehersal yesterday at Ville Hyvönens studio in Kruununhaka.
More pictures
Friday, November 17, 2006
TV Pixelator
In the year 2007 Finland will stop all the analogue TV broadcasting and switch to digital - So we are waiting for lot of people to throw away they're old TVs and get new digital ones, now they have the good excuse for it. Anyway my point was that now that we are going to have lots of TVs we need to do something whit them. This is what i found on www.diyhappy.com.
please post another suggestions on what to do whit old TVs.
TV Pixelator
"Make your TV into a work of art using toilet paper rolls and fabric. I’d imagine it would work especially well while playing music videos … you still have the music, but the TV is just a mess of coolness."

please post another suggestions on what to do whit old TVs.
TV Pixelator
"Make your TV into a work of art using toilet paper rolls and fabric. I’d imagine it would work especially well while playing music videos … you still have the music, but the TV is just a mess of coolness."
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The Electronic Peasant's LED Color Organ Page

The Electronic Peasant's LED Color Organ Page
Nätisti väsätty valourku. Muutenkin tuolla peasantin sivuilla on ihan mielenkiintoista matskua. Kannattaa tsekata.
While surfing the web I found the famous Teleavia television made in France in 1958.
It looks so good that i now concider having TV in my house.

But as always there is also very impressive price tag on it £4800! from Early Tech Edinburgh, Scotland UK
Early Tech
It looks so good that i now concider having TV in my house.
But as always there is also very impressive price tag on it £4800! from Early Tech Edinburgh, Scotland UK
Early Tech
Thursday, November 09, 2006
body contact niitit
kylläpä näyttää hyvältä nuo niitit tuossa -
ja onhan tästä ollutkin jo puhetta että uudet haalarimme ehostettaisiin niiteillä,
mutta sen lisäksi että käyttäysimme enemmän nahkaa tulevissa laitteissamme - ehdotankin että myös niittejä käytettäisiin runsaammin.
eli luvassa niittejä ja nahkaa ehkä jopa enemmän updateja tällä blogilla - saas nähdä
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