Tomorrow 25.11 there will be a very special show at Sibelius Academy. Defunensemble has invited us to play with them. Sami Klemola has Composed a short composition for a acoustic instruments defunensemble plays and experimental electronic instruments Koelse plays.
So it should be quite interesting mixture, and also the first (perhaps last also) opportunity to hear us in a big concert-hall.
After the concert there is also a panel discussion somehow related to subject.
Show should start 20.30, place is Sibelius academy concert hall. R-building Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 9
Couple of years ago I got a call from Jori Hulkkonen. He had a problem, he was planning a symphony for 10 Roland TB-303:s, and he did not know how to sync those. 303:s do not have midi, but they do have older dinsync.
Jori did not want to use dindsync to midi or other commercial products, so we soldered together a custom buffered 1 to 10 dinsync box.
Daniel made a nice set to flickr about the technical side.
So if you are going to see Kraftwerk in Suvilahti tomarrow, check the Acid Symphony as well.
And check what boingboing wrote about the project, misspelled our name atleast.
We never been very active in posting videos, but since some other people are I have started collecting AEE related youtube videos on my youtube account