Friday, February 23, 2007

Getting some new stuff

Originally uploaded by anttia.
Got some new stuff from one TV-broadcasting company. Have not done an inventory yet, but at least we will have plenty of rackmountable cases for equipment.

Monday, February 19, 2007

New Circuit Bending Techniques

There are a lot of different ways to approach the devices you´ve decided to circuit bend. Some people touch the pcb with their fingers to find new and intresting noises and then there are some people who use a little bit different techniques. Here´s a video about some guys technique.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

AEE projectblog


We started new project-blog for more detailed project descriptions. First featured project is Harris "Joystick to noisestick" project.

Check also our projects page on our new site.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Media attention

I just came back from TV1 program kirppis. Had a chance to demonstrate some of our equipment in a live show, and to talk alittle about experimenta electronics in general.

The show was not on the website, at least last time I checked, but shold be rerunned on tuesday.

The last TV show we were on TV2 Kamera kiertää is on-line, realmedia format, language finnish.

If you understand finnish, you can olso check what Teemu Purhonen wrote about us in Desibeli site.

There have been quite a lot of media interest lately, and some more coming very soon.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Network problems

We have had some problems with our server, our site have been down for a while. It is not our fault, there is some bigger problem with our internet provider. Problem should be fixed soon, but in the meanwhile you can go to our temporary page here.

Sorry for the inconvenience.