Monday, November 19, 2012

Koelse at Brainbashers: 2012 Fest, Tampere, 24.11.

Koelse performs at Brainbashers: 2012 Fest. During afternoon we give a workshop on urban/technological shamanism. Later, a gig.

More info at Kovaydin Vastarinta site.

Monday, November 05, 2012


Does KOELSE have SISU?

We will find out wed 7.11, when we participate on Dash and Dem:s "Show your sisu" project at Baltic Circle Festival.

Aika / Time: KE / WED 7.11. 19:30
Paikka / Location: Mediakeskus / Media Centre Lume, Hämeentie 135 C
Hinta / Price: 25 / 15 €
Kieli / Language: suomi / Finnish
Kesto / Duration: ~ 1 h 30 min
Lisätiedot / More info

Please arrive to the venue already 19:00 because the show will be filmed.

KOELSE will have a short 3-minute  set in the beginning of  the show.