Thursday, June 30, 2016

2.7 Live at Kinobox Obscura Boat launch party

2.7.2016 we will play in Kinobox Obscura Boat Launch Party at Lapinlahti Hospital. Party starts round five. 

Kinobox Obscura Boat Launch Party / Vesillelaskujuhlat
Lapinlahti, Helsinki, Finland
Mikko & Me
Hulda Huima
Veijo Peso
Hibouprofen (GER)
Welcome! Tervetuloa!
The boat launch party is organized with the help of Lapinlahden Lähde and Osuuskunta Lapinlahden Tilajakamo.
The Launch Party Performers:
The first 3D camera obscura boat in the world will see its launching in Lapinlahti former psychiatric hospital in Helsinki the 2nd of July 2016. Kinobox Obscura and Pixelache Festival invite you all to take part in the first 3D camera obscura pedal paddle boat catamaran maiden voyage party in the world!
Kinobox Obscura would like to thank Kone Foundation for making the 3D camera obscura boat building possible. 
The boat launch party is a Rantakesä ‪#‎yli130km‬ event.
Lifejackets sponsored by Baltic Lifejackets Sweden.

Monday, January 25, 2016

27.1.2016 Drei, Vapaan taiteen tila

Next we will play our second collaboration with Holminid on Wednesday in Vapaan taiteen tila  Vilhonvuorenkuja 15-16

Event lasts from 19:00–22:00, be early we will play first. 

Kolme ääniesitystä taiteilijoilta - Three soundworks from the artists ->

Hur Hur


Lauri Luhta

Hur Hur

Hur Hur is sound and music performed with an ancient instrument made for modern purposes. The aim is to create a completely original sound and way to make music. Both raw, psychedelic joyful and terrifying. The project is Mr. timo viialainen playing electro acoustic alto hurdy gurdy as an experimental instrument.


Analogue heart - Digital mind: Koelse powered by!
Kokeellisen Elektroniikan Seura ja Ove ‘Holminid’ Holmqvist esittävät kehollisen musiikki-kokeilun.

Association of experimental electronics and Ove "Holminid" Holmqvist will present an bodyly music experiment Analogue heart - Digital mind

koelse+holminid @myymälä2 from holminid on Vimeo.

Lauri Luhta

Lauri Luhta: Kultasuu. Liturgia.
Lauri Luhta (s. 1980) on helsinkiläinen live- ja mediataiteilija, tapahtumien järjestäjä, historioitsija, teologi ja olemisen vartija. Kultasuun liturgia on sakraali ääniesitys tästä ajasta, tälle ajalle ja tämän ajan ulkopuolella.

Lauri Luhta: Goldmund. A Liturgy.
Lauri Luhta (b. 1980) is live and media artist, organiser of events, historian, theologian and custodian of being. Goldmund's Liturgy is a sacral sound performance of this time, for this time and outside this time.